1 Year Anniversary

1 Year Anniversary


Tomorrow marks our 1 Year Anniversary! It seems like we’ve accomplished a decade’s worth of work and growth in the span of one year at The Mercantile at the Warehouses on White and I could not be more grateful.

Over the course of the year, we have put ourselves in approximately 45 dangerous ladder/electrical situations, placed 85,500 labels on products, and opened about 6,300 boxes.

Despite all of the hard work that happens in the background, the real work has been the support you’ve shown us this year! You, our customers, have loved and supported us every step of the way. Thank you to every single one of you that have been loyal; thanks to you, we have run almost 8000 transactions.

Thank you for every post you like, every comment you leave, every event you’ve shared, every product you’ve bought, every kind word of support you’ve given to us, and so much more. We would not be here today without YOU!

While we grew more than a few grey hairs this year, I couldn’t be more proud of our team. Our employees gave their all this year to help make our dreams a reality! From pricing to cleaning to marketing, the store takes a small army and we could not have done it without Angel, Bre, Erin, Jamee, Jarrett, Kayla, Mary, Stacey, and Stefanie, as well our awesome customers.

The Mercantile was a dream that was many years in the making–one that included our vision for the Warehouses on White.

It seems like yesterday that I was typing up this letter to the Fewell family, making an offer on their warehouse building that had been in the family since 1884. It was a dream that I couldn’t get out of my head since December of 2016. The building was eventually sold to Gary Williams, who was persuaded to not tear it down–something that could not have been a bigger blessing to The Mercantile and the other business here at the Warehouses on White.

“I want nothing more than to restore this building to its original glory and to open our design firm and retail store (here). It’s been my dream to rehab an old warehouses and I have been eyeing this building for a very long time.”

An exact year to the date, I took a leap of faith and typed up an email that would set us on the path to what would become the best outcome possible… We struck a business deal to rent our unit within the Warehouses on White with the Williams family who also saw the potential in our downtown and took the chances necessary to help make our dreams a reality.

Next thing I knew, we were making that dream a reality one 2×4 at a time. We visited the warehouse daily to check on the progress as we began working out the details that would blossom into The Mercantile.

With Gratitude,

– Brittany & Michael Kelly


Check out our Before & After Photos of The Mercantile’s 1st Year: